Patagonia Revisited 

I took this photo when I visited the Perito Moreno Glacier in spring 2013 (September in Agentina). It is such a beautiful, fascinating place. It is lovely to look back at some previous travels at this time of year. Especially when travelling continues to be difficult for everyone. The Patagonian Sierra Finch, Phrygilus patagonicus, Yal…

Nonsuch Park

It could almost be Japan; but this is actually Nonsuch Park, on the edge of South London. The Park is located in Cheam, in the London Borough of Sutton. Nonsuch used to be part of Henry VIII’s deer hunting estates, but is now a thriving public park. This mature Yoshino Cherry, Prunus × yedoensis is…

Travel highlights 2010 to 2020

In this post I will look back at some of my plant travel highlights from the past decade. Whilst we can’t go where we want to, whilst this awful pandemic continues, we can dream of future travels during lockdown. I have been very lucky to have travelled to some amazing places from 2010 to 2020,…

Ecological Plantings

Ecological planting design in a nutshell, is a dynamic and fully functioning landscape or ecosystem as opposed to a naturalistic planting scheme; which may just appear natural, but requires large amounts of human intervention (Noel Kingsbury 2018). This intervention normally is in the form of lots of weeding, often because plants are two spaced out,…

Urban Greening

These photos explore some inspiring urban greening projects from around the London Borough of Islington. Images 1 to 5 are from the London Borough of Islington’s largest nature reserve; Gillespie Park and the Ecology Centre are such valuable community green spaces, not just for the biodiversity, but for the people as well! The ecology centre…