Patagonia Revisited 

I took this photo when I visited the Perito Moreno Glacier in spring 2013 (September in Agentina). It is such a beautiful, fascinating place. It is lovely to look back at some previous travels at this time of year. Especially when travelling continues to be difficult for everyone. The Patagonian Sierra Finch, Phrygilus patagonicus, Yal…

Anarthrophyllum desideratum

  The rare cushion forming plant Anarthrophyllum desideratum, is native to windswept steppe habitat in Patagonia.  A. desideratum could be described as an unusual member of the pea family (Fabaceae), the majority form cushions. It is possibly not in cultivation or very rarely cultivated. The bright orange to flame red flowers dot the landscape around…

El Calafate

Se dice que cuando ha probado los frutos del calafate, es cierto que regresará al pueblo Argentino llamado El Calafate también. El nombre calafate viene de una planta patagónica, Berberis microphylla. Este arbusto se siembra en las montanas alrededor El Calafate y en otras partes de la hermoso paisaje en el sur de Argentina y…