Patagonia Revisited 

I took this photo when I visited the Perito Moreno Glacier in spring 2013 (September in Agentina). It is such a beautiful, fascinating place. It is lovely to look back at some previous travels at this time of year. Especially when travelling continues to be difficult for everyone. The Patagonian Sierra Finch, Phrygilus patagonicus, Yal…

Jerusalem to Wisley

In this blog post, I am going to share a growing collaboration between RHS Wisley and Jerusalem Botanical Gardens. Myself and the Wisley Alpine Team have been working on this little collaboration for the past three years. I was a Curatorial Intern at JBG, back in 2015 from January to mid-May. Now, I am Horticulturalist…

Laguna Colorada

Laguna Colorada, Reserva Nacional de Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia  (2013). Esta foto se ganó primer premio en la categoría paisaje alpino de competencia fotográfica AGS 2019. This photo won first prize in the AGS Photographic Competition 2019, in the Alpine Landscape category.